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Made from South Australia

Our Brand is more than a logo. It's our story.

The story of the Adelaide Football Club is built on people and community, and our Members are the backbone of everything we do.

Since that inaugural 52-player squad first assembled to represent the shared voices of South Australian football, the tri-colours have proudly represented our state on the national stage.

When they marched in navy, red and gold hoops under the bright lights of Football Park for the first time in 1991, they embarked on a 34-year journey that has now led our Club to having three teams and over 75,000 passionate Members.

We are excited to have you with us as we enter a new dawn with a new brand, showcasing our proud past and exciting future merged as one.

We look to the future with determination to build on this story of a City and a State, and most importantly our people who have been with us every step of the way.

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